Childrens Groups
The church building is often described as being ‘God’s House’ and we believe that in God’s House everybody should be able to feel relaxed and at home. Church should not be a ‘Shush! Be quiet’ place but a place where children know they are welcome and can enjoy themselves.
Too often when families come to church, parents leave completely stressed out from trying to contain their children. At St Mary’s we want families to feel welcome and not tut-tutted away from coming along to church. Here are some of the different services and activities we provide for children and families:
10.00am First Sunday All Age Worship
An informal service for people of all ages which we particular try to ensure is family friendly. Our First Sunday planning team seek to make this service welcoming, clear in structure, concise in length lasting no more than 40 minutes, and varied in content and as different as possible from one service to the next. For example, the storytelling may involve puppets at one service and a dramatised dialogue the next. We try to ensure that the talk is short and interactive and that there are activities for the children to join in.
On the third Sunday of the month we have a Sunday Morning Children’s group that meets in the Parish office, beginning at 10.00am. Please contact Sue Foster for more details on 020 8397 8333.
Small Hands
An informal gathering of parent/carer and toddlers with toys, chat and refreshments at St Mary’s Centre from 10.00-11.30am each Wednesday during term time. For more information please contact the Centre Office on 020 8391 4551.
Toys at the Back of the Church
To try to help families feel welcome at St Mary’s we have a couple of boxes of toys, puzzles and books at the back of the church.
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