Sunday and midweek services
Our main services on a Sunday are as follows:
First Sunday of the Month (Except August)
8.00am Service of Holy Communion
This is a quiet and reflective early morning Service of Holy Communion (Common Worship). There is no music or singing at this service, and just a brief talk of about five minutes. The service lasts approximately 30-40 minutes.
10.00am First Sunday All Age Worship
An informal service for people of all ages which we particular try to ensure is family friendly. Our First Sunday planning team seek to make this service welcoming, clear in structure, concise in length lasting no more than 40 minutes, and varied in content and as different as possible from one service to the next. For example, the storytelling may involve puppets at one service and a dramatised dialogue the next. We try to ensure that the talk is short and interactive and that there are activities for children to join in. Refreshments are served in St Mary’s Centre afterwards. This is a good time to begin to get to know other people.
All Other Sundays
10.00am Service of Holy Communion
This is a Service of Holy Communion using the Common Worship Liturgy and includes traditional hymns with a few more modern worship songs included. The service lasts for just over one hour and the sermon is about ten minutes in length. Refreshments are served in St Mary’s Centre afterwards. Once again, this is a good time to begin to get to know other people.
Midweek services
At 6.00pm each Wednesday (check for occasional changes) we have a service of Evening Prayer, when we pray for the needs of the world, the Parish and those in need. This also takes place via ZOOM on Mondays and Fridays at 6.00pm. For joining details contact Churchwardens.
Our philosophy with regard to lively children is to celebrate their presence among us. We have a sound system so there’s no need to feel anxious if your little one feels the urge to gurgle or cry. Feel free to bring a toy or drink for your child if you wish.
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