850 Year Heritage Day and Thanksgiving Service

Saturday 14th September – from 10.00am. – 4.00pm. church is open to welcome you all to look through our collection of historical artefacts and memorabilia. Refreshments available all day. Everyone is warmly welcome! Sunday 15th Septmber – 5.00pm we are holding a Service of Thanksgiving, which will include hearing testimony …

Good News!

After many months of Interregnum (‘between Vicars’) we are happy to announce that we have appointed Reverend Nicholas Pye to be our …

Church Safeguarding Representative

Jane Gates (Tel. 0208 391 4281) – Acting Church Safeguarding Representatives and Ian Berry – Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (Child and Adult Protection).


We will shortly be restarting our Walk ‘n’ Talk Group – so look out for announcements in our church weekly bulletin, or …